Download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence for free
Download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence for free

download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence for free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence for free download the turing test the elusive standard of artificial intelligence for free

His vision of the possibility of machine intelligence has been highly inspiring and extremely controversial. Turing believed that computers, if properly designed and educated, could exhibit intelligent behavior, even behavior that would be indistinguishable from human intelligent behavior. Turing's genius was not only in developing the theory of computability but also in understanding the impact, both practical and philosophical, that computing machinery would have. Indeed, most of the debate in the philosophy of artificial intelligence over the last fifty years concerns issues that were raised and discussed by Turing. This article is arguably the most influential and widely read article in the philosophy of artificial intelligence. In 1950 Alan Turing (1912-1954) published his famous article, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in the journal Mind.

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